Second update (DC0.0.2)

Thank-you all for your feedback! I'm happy to release an update with several suggested features added:

1. Autosave, Saves after a card is drawn to your hand area or moved into the play area. I'll be adding more autosave conditions in the next version, but for now you shouldn't lose too much progress if you forget to use a save.

2. Startup Menu, Choose from 3 options; Load Autosave, Load from your 3 personal saves, and New Game.

3. Save Labels, Name your saves whatever you wish (Excepting a blank label or a "0"). As far as I know, there's no limit to the length, but I haven't tried to test it's limits.

As usual if you have any suggestions, find any bugs, or issues with accessibility, please leave me a note!

Planned features to come include a tutorial feature, a quick card-to-hand button similar to the quick play button that appears when you select a card in your hand, and alternative configurations of the play area and controls.

Known Bugs:

1. Spamming the dice buttons may cause cards to spawn outside the main column, preventing undo actions. Saving and reloading can sometimes resolve this.

2. Using the load functions without an actual saved file to load from can cause issues, restart the program or use the "New Game" option to get around this.

3. Some loaded halo colors have different opacity.

4. Shuffle dividers not appearing after loading.


DiceCards-0_0_2.apk 5.7 MB
Sep 27, 2024
DiceCards-0_0_2-linux.AppImage 82 MB
Sep 27, 2024 79 MB
Sep 27, 2024
DiceCards-0_0_2-windows.exe 61 MB
Sep 27, 2024 83 MB
Sep 27, 2024 2.5 MB
Sep 27, 2024

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