0.0.6 is a complete overhaul of the DiceCards system allowing for a more modular approach to adding new content. While the old app and save files are still accessible in "Legacy Mode" there isn't currently a way to import them to the new system, BUT it's near the top of the todo list for 0.0.7.


  • FREEDOM! Cards are no longer rigidly played and can be dragged to a place of your choosing, dragged to a Halo customizer for visual marking, dragged back to its deck to be place on top, bottom, or somewhere in the middle, and dragged to the discard pile... Maybe freedom is a bit of a drag... 
  • Dual Card decks, two distinct card decks for handling two functions, such as exploration and combat.
  • NOTES! Need a reminder of what those dice rolls or card plays represent? Write a note and place it along the timeline, or leave it blank and create a barrier, separating card plays.
  • HISTORY ZONES! Anytime the "ALL CARDS" button in the shuffle menu is used, all cards currently on the play area OF THAT DECK, will be shaded, placed on a history layer, and limited in their ability to move out of their areas, preventing duplicates from newly dealt cards from being intermixed and confused. A future update will enable this feature to be turned off, but the app will still track those stats to the best of its ability in case you wish that feature enabled once more.
  • SIZE VARIETY, upon creation of a new game, select 1 of 4 size of cards ranging from the smallest, that fits 6 across the play area, to Extra Large, which can only fit 3 cards side by side in the play area or hand, but can be handy if you don't really need to use the app as a history keeping tool. Larger card settings apply to the "Dice" as well as to the font size of notes.


  • Legacy Conversion, moving your old games to the new format.
  • Tutorial
  • Custom Settings, Change the screen size aspect to better fit your device, the theme of the decks and dice, turn history off/on, etc.
  • New Card themes and Backgrounds
  • A Tarot Deck
  • Other bits and pieces like markers, coins, and trackers.
  • HOPEFULLY, a somewhat automated soloRPG mode similar in execution to the "One Page Solo Engine" By Inflatable Studios.


DiceCards-0_0_6.apk 8.4 MB
17 days ago
DiceCards-0_0_6-linux.AppImage 84 MB
17 days ago
DiceCards-0_0_6-macos.zip 81 MB
17 days ago
DiceCards-0_0_6-windows.zip 86 MB
17 days ago
DiceCards-0_0_6-windows.exe 63 MB
17 days ago
HTMLDC0.0.6.zip Play in browser
17 days ago

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